Δείτε στον ακόλουθο σύνδεσμο 9 ebooks Ανοικτής Πρόσβασης που προσφέρει το Εθνικό Κέντρο Κοινωνικών Ερευνών (ΕΚΚΕ) σε συνέργεια με το Εθνικό Κέντρο Τεκμηρίωσης (ΕΚΤ).
EBOOKS – Εθνικό Κέντρο Κοινωνικών Ερευνών
- Public policy, public utility and citizens: The impact of privatization Μαντώ Λαμπροπούλου (Manto Lampropoulou) – October 3, 2017
- Constructing gendered identities: the rhetorics of gender in the NGO’s volunteers’ talk about sex trafficking Κωστούλα Μάκη (Kostoula Maki) – January 10, 2019
- Μulti-level Governance in the European Union and in Greece Γιώργος Οικονόμου – July 23, 2020
- Τhe form and gender of civil society in Greece during the first years of the crisis Κατερίνα Λουκίδου (Katerina Loukidou) – August 14, 2020
- The Returnees: Greek immigrants in the United States and the transformation of origin communities, 1890-1940 Γιώτα Τουργέλη (Giota Tourgeli) – October 12, 2020
- The emergence of a New Wave in contemporary Greek cinema: Processes of artistic production, legitimization and communication in the art world Ειρήνη Σηφάκη (Eirini Sifaki), Αναστασία Στάμου (Anastasia Stamou), Μαρία Παπαδοπούλου (Maria Papadopoulou) – October 26, 2020
- Neo-institutional approaches and primary research: The case study of EQUAL and LEADER local partnerships in Crete Δέσποινα Γρηγοριάδου (Despoina Grigoriadou) – January 21, 2021
- Left pedagogical thought in Greece (1910-1951). From the liberal progressive education to the polytechnism Ελευθερία Παπαστεφανάκη (Eleftheria Papastefanaki) – January 28, 2021
- Education policy for lifelong learning. Europeanisation and (re)production of social inequalities Γιώργος Δουργκούνας (Georgios Dourgounas) – November 10, 2021
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