SDSN Youth Mediterranean is excited to announce the launch of the call for projects for the second edition of the Mediterranean Youth Solutions Report 2022.
The call aims at offering young people and innovators the opportunity to showcase their sustainable development initiatives and scale-up their proposals at both regional and international levels, while advancing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
After the first Mediterranean Youth Solutions Report published in March 2022, this year the focus will be on innovation in the agri-food sector, which plays an essential role in the social and economic well-being of Mediterranean countries.
This second edition of our regional Report will address students, young innovators, entrepreneurs, and researchers specifically from the Mediterranean region, in order to identify, display, and celebrate transformative, youth-led solutions projects that are contributing or will contribute to achieving the UN 2030 Agenda and the Paris Agreement.
Proposals can be submitted by 25 September 2022 through this link:
More information is also available on SDSN Youth Mediterranean website.
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